Automatically detecting invitees timezone
How do you manage bookings when your clients are spread all over the world? By automatically detecting their timezone and displaying your availability relative to their location.
How invitee timezone detection works
Booker timezone detection uses the timezone of your visitors IP address on the device used to access your booking page. Based on that timezone, your available booking times are translated into theirs, relative to their location.
By default, this setting is turned on for all booking pages, and can be found under Availability > Time zone display.
If your calendar is based in US/Eastern and your booker is in US/Pacific, the booking times will display three hours earlier. Your booker can always select a different timezone from the dropdown if they plan to take the meeting in a different location.
Turning off auto detect and locking your booking page time zone
How do you decide if you should lock your booking page time zone?
All of your clients are in the same timezone as you
If you anticipate that all of your bookers will be in the same timezone as you, you can safely lock your time zone. With your time zone locked, everyone will view your availability based on your timezone, no matter their location. All confirmation emails will also reflect your timezone.