Pre-fill your booking form and pass customer data through to Koalendar

One way to make your scheduling experience a bit more convenient and show your link recipients you are willing to do some legwork is personalization. There are two methods for doing this in Koalendar.

Method 1: Create a personalized link

This method is the simplest way to pre-fill the booking form for you invitee. However, only the name and email are pre-fillable this way.
From your dashboard, click "Share" on one of your booking page then "Prefill" on the top right:
(Here we've pre-filled the name as "Google" and email as "")
Then copy your link and share it with your invitee.
After selecting a date and time on your scheduling page, instead of having the booking fields being empty, they will now automatically be filled with the values you've provided.

Method 2: Prefill data via the query string

If you want to prefill more fields than just your invitee's name and email, you can pass that information in the link query string.

For example:

You can pass the following parameters in the query string to personalize the link. All values should be properly URL-encoded.

How to prefill custom questions

After creating a custom question, click to edit it and copy the shorthand code in the header:

Click to copy the code, here "SNNDZ", and add it to your link:

If you want to pass data this way without displaying it to your invitee, select "Hidden" as answer type:

How to prefill extra guests emails

Pre-fill extra guests too by adding "?guests=email1,email2,..." to your booking page link.,

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