Troubleshooting availability

Suppose an invitee cannot schedule time with you because you are unavailable when you should be free. In that case, you can troubleshoot why by logging into your Koalendar account and using the built-in troubleshooting tool.

To see why you're unavailable when you should be free

1. If you're not already logged in, go to the Koalendar home page, and select Log In.
2. Select the affected booking page.
3. Click View
4. Click  Troubleshoot at the top left of the booking page (only you, the organizer, can see this information, not your invitees).
5. Select any day that was previously unavailable and see why

Reasons you may be unavailable

  • PAST: This time slot is in the past and can no longer be booked.
  • DAYMAX: A daily limit has been set for this event type, and the limit has been reached.
  • GROUP: This group event has reached its maximum number of attendees.
  • TOOSOON: This time slot is outside the event type's minimum scheduling notice.
  • BOOKING: Someone has already booked this time slot.
  • BUFFER: You have a buffer setting that blocks this time slot.
  • CALENDAR: This time slot overlaps with a busy event in your connected calendar or one of your team members.
  • DURATION: The meeting duration is longer than the time you are available.

Why you're free when you should be unavailable

1. Go to your calendars settings and verify which calendars you're checking conflicts (the ones toggled on) with.

2. Events in your calendar marked Busy prevent you from being booked for your Koalendar events. To change this, click on a Google event, then edit, then select the visibility:

3. Make sure you're looking at your live page and not the preview when testing your calendars connections. If you're on your editor, click View at the top right of the editor to get to the live page.
When using Google, all-day events are marked Free by default. Change the status of all-day events to Busy to be considered unavailable by Koalendar and avoid double bookings for the day.

Note: Scheduled Koalendar meetings will always be considered busy, and changing the event's status does not free up time. You can cancel or reschedule events from your Bookings tab on your Dashboard page to open up your availability.

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